Fish Extender:
You can see pictures of the Fish Extenders and Fish Extender Gifts at the bottom of this page. We recieved so many wonderful things in our Fish Extenders from everyone in our group.
If anyone from our group would like me to add pictures that they took of their FE's or FE gifts, you can let me know through our pirate Facebook group.
Fish Extender groups are now closed. Both groups combined include 106 people and 34 rooms. WOW that's a lot of gifts to pack!
We are all busy creating our fish extender gifts for the excahnge on our cruise. A HUGE Thank You to the people organizeing this group & to the person that put the final lists together by stateroom & deck. It will be so much easier to deliever all the gifts that way.
Our Fish Extender Groups:
Group 1 closed
maddiesmum03 and 3cheers4dis (2A and 1C) Katzs13 (2A and 1C) StaceyL0u (2A) StaceyL0u cabin 2 Grandma - Jean StaceyL0u cabin 3 Jo, Jez Ben (9), and Katie (7) Jackieb62 (3A) StaceyL0u cabin 4 jeffann6 (3A) DisneyOrBustColorado (2A and 2C) Gmilligan (2A) Paulfamily4 (2A and 2C) Tinkers (2A) mickieKK18 (1A and 1 almost A) Smudge (3A and 2C) gilsan (2A and 1C) MaryKLady (2A and 1C) cat98c (2A) hollyjolly (2A) BMICKEY (2A 2teens) Debagu 2A 1C 13 year becca0397 1A 1C 15 years Group 2 - Closed
KazfamilyPA (2A and 2C) VAis4DISlovers (2A and 1C) MooreDisneyPlease(2/3A and 2 16yo) FairiesRule (2A 2C) Jimiwi38 (3A) Uk3 (2A and 2 teen) mom2tga (2A 3C) Katzs13 (2A and 1C) from group 1 Paulfamily4 (2A and 2C) from group 1 DisneyOrBustColorado (2A and 2C) from group 1 Debagu (2A 1C) from group 1 Trish82 (2A 1C) shopaholicmom22 (1A 2C) splashmommy (2A 1C) ksinglet (2A 2C) maddiesmum03 and 3cheers4dis (2A and 1C) Spiny Norman (2A) Here is some information on what a Fish Extender is. I took it directly from this link: you can go to the link to see more information & photos
What is a Fish Extender?
Everyone wants to know what a fish extender is, and the answer is simple. . . it is something that you hang off the fish that is next to your stateroom door. The fish actually is part of the ship, put there so that DCL Cast Members can leav you mail or messages. By hanging the Fish Extender off of the fish, the Cast Members can still use it for its original purpose. What does it look like? And where can I get one? The most common Fish Extenders are ones that have a pocket for each person in that stateroom. Some are very fancy, some are very plane. Some are store bought, some are homemade and many are bought on ebay (search on "disney fishextender" and you will get options ranging from $15 to about $35 - the higher priced ones are normally personalized for your family). You do not need to go over the top to join in for this fun exchange! Many are now opting to simply hang a single bag (or a small tote bag) on the fish extender and they still have just as much fun! Size does Matter! You need to make sure your Fish Extender is no more then 8" wide. Why do I keep hearing about Fish Extenders? Many of the DisGroups arrange the Fish Extender Exchanges. Everyone that would like to participate will sign up by a deadline. Normally the deadline will be about 2 - 3 weeks before we sail. This allows everyone ample time to pre-buy what they want to exchange, even if you are adding a stop to Walt Disney World before we sail. If my group has three staterooms, do I get 3 Fish Extenders? Some people choose to leave one item per stateroom, so I would recommend you have one for each stateroom, but, there are no set rules! What do we exchange? Pretty much anything goes here! Some of the things people have given are: - - - Magnets from their home state - - - Anything Pirate - - - Anything Disney - - - Anything with our cruise sailing dates on it (pencils, pens, candy . . . ) It isn't about how much you spend, it is about the fun in exchanging and seeing what you get! Who can join? Anyone and everyone! Even if your stateroom is 2 adults, you can join and have just as much fun! What is the next step? Once we get a volunteer to handle the exchange, we will each provide that person with our info. You will turn in: Your Stateroom number, Number of Participants and ages of each person involved. If the group that wants to play gets to be too large, we might split into more then one group. You will most likely get told the day you are to deliver your gifts so that not all gifts come the same day. When leaving a gift, do we identify who it is from? This is totally optional. We have gotten them both identified and unidentified. I personally prefer to know who it is from but each person can decide for themeselves. Will we have to walk all over the ship? If the group gets to be too large we will most likely split the group up by location. If we end up being one big group, I suggest you break up your items by stateroom number before leaving home. Use large ziploc baggies - the empties can be used for so many other things - maybe even bringing your FE items home! Do people carry all their gifts in their suitcases? You can ship your items down. They must arrive by the day before you sail and contain no food items (they will get snagged by the dogs and get held up). Make sure you packaged addressed exactly how your name is in your reservation and it will be in your stateroom when you get there (even before your luggage!). I'm just curious, how did this Fish Extender idea get started? The idea was the brainstorm of DisBoard member EpcotKilterFan (Debbie). For the first Magical Sailing through the Panama Canal back in 2005. Debbie thought it would be a fun way for Disboard members to exchange gifts. Apparently a lot of people agreed with her! Anything else I need to know? Yes, this is your vacation! You do not have to feel obligated to join anything you don't really want to do! You can join everything or nothing at all! |
Final FE Group 1 - Printable List |
Final FE Group 2 - Printable List |
(Click tabs below to view other galleries) | |||||