Disney Fantasy Halloween Cruise Trip Report


Scavenger Hunt Sheet Hand In
Scavenger Hunt sheet hand in time will be Thursday November 1st from 10:00a - noon. Same location as the meet up. Deck 12 by the wading pool. The goodie bags will be handed out at that time. The prize drawing will take place at turn in time but the overall winners will need to be calculated & possibly prizes delivered to the rooms.
Fish Extender Groups 1 & 2 are Closed
Fish Extender groups 1 and 2 are now closed. We are all busy creating our Fish Extender gifts. You can find more information on this website on the Fish Extender page. Below are printable lists of the final 2 groups.
FE Group1.pdf
FE Group2.pdf
Recipe Exchange
The pdf file below is a printable list of all of the people participating in the recipe exchange. I hope this helps make things easier for everyone involved.
Recipe Exchange.pdf
Group pictures
We would like to take a group picture right after the first night meet up. Please try to be present & wear your new lanyards. We will take the picture as time allows right after our meet up. We will try for right before or after the sail away part & before early dining. We will know more on timing at the meet up.
Group Lanyards
The Lanyards have now arrived. I am posting a picture of some of the lanyards & will post another picture when I complete the lanyard cards. One person has had to cancel their trip so I have 4 extra lanyards. If anyone did not get lanyards & wants them, please pm me on the DIS boards & I will meail you through Paypal. DisneyOrBustColorado
First Night Meet Up
Prepare to meet with our cruise group on October 27th right after the Drill. We will meet on deck 12 by the wading pool. All of those orange lanyards should be easy to spot & a good indication of where we all are. I will finish passing out the lanyards then. The recipe group will exchange recipes at that time. We will have to fill any any changed/New information on our FE lists also. Stacey will be passing out the Scavenger Hunt maps for those are are participating in that. Basically everything will start here, so don't miss out first night meet up!
Lanyard Group Gift Card Drawing
ATTN: everyone that ordered lanyards. The cost of the lanyards came in lower than I had estimated. I have purchased 4 Disney gift cards with the remaining money and will draw DIS board names (from the lanyard orders) during our first night meet up, on Oct. 27th, to win the gift cards. Each card is not a large sum of money but will buy a nice pin to put on your lanyard. Please have one member from your party present in case your name is drawn we can hand you the gift card. If nobody is present from your group we will have to draw another name to win the gift card. Watch here, Facebook or the Dis boards. for more details on the first night meet up.
Lanyards Orders are Closed
Lanyard Orders are now closed. I have ordered the lanyards & am awaiting their arrival so that I can create, order & fill out the custom lanyard cards. When the lanyards arrive I will be sure & post photos on the Custom Lanyards page on this website. Thanks to everyone that ordered lanyards for paying me so quickly! You are an awesome group & I can't wait to meet you in person when I pass out the lanyards.
My family will wear our lanyards to our check in at 11:00 on the 27th. If you can find us we will hand you your lanyards at that time. Kinda like the cruise version of "where's Waldo". If not, I will pass out the lanyards on the first night DIS group meet up. You won't want to miss it!
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Welcome to our cruise trip report website for our Disney Fantasy 2012 Halloween cruise. A seven night Western Caribbean Itinerary.
Site Updated 03/10/2013
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